Do Not Solicit Registration Form

Please add me to the Do Not Solicit List. By signing up for this list, I affirm that:

I am a resident of Valley Township, PA, 

I am authorized to add this address to the do not solicit list by all occupants of the residence, requests that no Solicitors or Peddlers enter the referenced property or otherwise attempt to solicit, peddle, or distribute thereon. 

*Please note, this list does not include non-profit, religious, political solicitations, or other exempt entities. 

To help ensure you do not get solicitations, please consider adding a "no solicitation" sign to the entrance of your driveway and door. 

Once you sign up for this list, after 30 days, If you do get solicitors, please call the Police right away. Gather as much information as you can including description, license plate info etc. To have your address removed from the Do Not Solicit list and allow solicitation, please email:

Any questions should be directed to the Valley Township office at 610-384-5751 ext. 307. Please allow thirty days for your address to be placed on the list. If you have any issues with solicitors, please call 911 immediately.

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